Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Welcome to our new blog!
Please read the dozens of blog posts below written and designed by CHCH US History students. Feel free to comment on any of the postings. You'll also find my live-blogging from election night, which was a new and strangly addictive experience for me. I really enjoyed putting this blog together, and I hope you see how promising, intelligent, opinionated, and creative our young scholars are! Thank you for checkin' out the blog!
-Mr LaForest
On this historic election day, thirty two United States history students and I will offer up our thoughts, anxieties, expectations, predictions, and critiques concerning the 2008 election. Tomorrow, fourteen more students will chime in with their comments about how the election turned out. If you have been dying to learn about how forty six juniors at a private college preparatory school in Massachusetts perceive this election, then this blog is the one for you.
We have monitored this election process in a number of ways. We have been maintained current events journals all trimester (right, kids?), and we have pursued every opportunity to connect issues in early American history to the ongoing financial crisis and election cycle. We kicked off the year by discussing Americanness and its role in the presidential election by reading a fantastic and challenging article from The New York Times. We have also read excerpts from Sen. John McCain's 1999 memoir, The Faith of My Fathers, and from Sen. Barack Obama's 1995 memoir, Dreams From My Father. Then we rolled the political dice by checking out polling data, particularly this map put together by The New York Times.Also, we watched this video about the last-ditch Hail Marys and shenanigans of the campaigns.
We hope you enjoy our musings preservered for all eternity on this beautiful and inspiring series of tubes.
Thoughts on the Presidential Election by JC

On the issue of education I am in full support of Obama, a major revamping and investment must be made in the U.S education system and we must raise the bar. Vice-President elect Joe Biden has a long history of fighting for education reform as well, strengthening my support for them in that category. See Obama's Education Plan .The McCain/Palin ticket barely addressed education which worried me.
Both candidates are in support of energy reform, investing in alternative fuels and lessening our dependency on Middle Eastern oil. I was at a complete tie for the candidates on this issue.
When it comes to foreign policy, one of my biggest concerns is the war in Afghanistan. The lack of coalition troops on the ground have resulted in the war becoming a complete stalemate. Thankfully both of the candidates had supported a troop surge in Afghanistan and once again focus on defeating Al-Qaeda. Senator Obama said on numerous occasions that the Afghanistan war is the main battle ground of the war on terror, which I agree with. On the Issue of the war in Iraq the fact that neither candidate supports immediate withdrawal is good enough for me, I think the 2007 troop surge has worked (as both candidates agree) and that war the U.S needs to withdraw sooner rather than later which makes me lean slightly Obama on this issue. I think both candidates are also tough enough to talk to leaders of hostile foreign nations without being used as a piece of negative propaganda by other world leaders. Although I am shaky about Obama talking unconditionally with other world leaders I think he is both tough and intelligent enough to get the job done adequately, as is McCain.
When it comes to taxation I am simply not well informed enough to know much about the issue, but feel that a change is needed and am willing to support Obama due to the fact it is simply a new change. I am against the abuse of the welfare system, but understand that mental illnesses should be covered and I am not for the abolishing it completely. This makes lean McCain, on that issue specifically but not ultra-strongly.
The last major set of issues for me when it came to the election was who each candidate would have in their cabinet and VP spot and Obama won by a landslide for me. Senator Joe Biden is vastly more informed and experienced than Sarah Palin and I would feel much more secure with Joe Biden as President than Sarah Palin. Colin Powell's endorsement of Obama also made me feel that Obama would have a better group of experienced high ranking leaders around him, plus it shows Obama’s willingness to work with Republicans and hear all sides of an argument, which is very important when you are trying to unify a nation that is more divided than ever.
To sum it up the factors that got me on the Obama/Biden bandwagon are simply his foreign policy, education, energy views, and what promises to be a strong candidate. The fact that I disagree with Obama on some things is fine with me, I do not want a President that necessarily agrees with me 100% of the time as much as one who agrees with me a good percentage of the time that won’t lie to me even when it’s something I disagree with, which I feel Obama will stay true to. I am very convinced John McCain is an honest good man in his own right, but as seen in his campaign he is sometimes too willing to compromise and appease to try and please everyone.
I am now moderately confident in Barack Obama and am happy that he won the Presidency, and having seen his victory speech last night I was greatly inspired but am still mildly skeptical, but so is my nature. To his credit John McCain’s concession speech was respectful and unifying as he attempted to put the election in the past, voice his existing disagreement, and also voice his respect and willingness to aid Obama in what is sure to be a very tough Presidency and tough time in the world. Regardless of my political disagreements with Obama I still think he and his supporters ran one of the most successful impressive Presidential campaigns in history. On a side note, I hate to focus on race but I am also proud of the fact an African-American was elected to the Presidency. While race does not matter when it comes to the qualification of the President, it does show the America is moving forwards past racism. Regardless of how effectively Obama does govern America (and I think it will be well) this election will still at the very least prove and project a more positive view of the U.S public to the world.

Obama: one-term-stand, or worthwhile? --Thoughts by PA

The one thing that really bothers me is how Barack won. I believe he won because of his race. People say he is the first “urban” president, three letters….J-F-K. I have nothing against an African-American president, I am very happy that we have finally done it. But he did win because he got all of the non upper-class white votes. All the young people voted for him regardless of his stances on issues. That is what truly bothers me.
I believe that Barack Obama can do and will do great things. He has many supporters and almost the entire country unified underneath him. America has taken a great step in electing their first black president, now we need a woman…who can’t see Russia from her window.
Thoughts by SL
Dream Come True.
The Result of 44th president election.
U.S. President - Electoral College
Obama (D) - 349
McCain (R) - 147
270 votes needed for presidency
Popular vote - 48 states reporting
McCain (R)
Obama (D)
Barr (I)
Nader (I)
View results on a map »
U.S. Senate - 35 seats contested
Democrats - 17
Republicans - 15
Seats not up for election
Net change: None
U.S. House of Rep. - 435 seats contested
Democrats - 251
Republicans - 173
4:00 AM--Thoughts by BBD
When I woke up at my usual 6:30, to an obnoxiously loud chorus of Kat DeLuna’s Whine Up (yes that is my alarm…get over it) at first it did not register in my head: Obama had been elected as the president of the United States of America. It’s not that I didn’t believe that it could ever happen, I just had some doubts as to how fair the Electoral College would be and how many Obama supporters would actually vote. After letting my dog outside, I immediately jumped on my computer, and Googled “2008 presidential election”; I was curious as to how the states had voted, who had won which state. I studied the map for a few minutes, I was shocked that majority of the state of Ohio (where much of my family resides, my mom and I are basically the only ones who live “up North” as they call it) had voted for Obama. Showing how much of a procrastinator I am (I hate getting dressed in the morning…it’s always cold) I decided to search through some more election coverage before I got ready for school. As I was on I found a video which I thought was pretty funny: YouTube - Obama Wins song (T.I. - Live Your Life SPOOF). It’s a spoof of the popular song Live Your Life (by Rihanna and T.I.) but instead it shows a cartoon Obama rapping.
On a sadder note, winning the election must be very hard for Obama, since he lost his grandmother, the woman who raised him, earlier this week. I was very close to my grandmother (my mother’s mother) and when she died it was devastating for me, so I cannot imagine what it must be like for Barack Obama, whose grandmother raised him shortly after his parents’ divorce, until he moved back to Indonesia where his mother was living.

One thing that I find very inspiring about this year’s election is the abundance of voters, not just supporters of McCain, but voters in general, especially young voters. Many people this year wanted their voice heard, after living under the rule of the Bush Administration for eight extremely long and painful years. It’s nice to see a country come together when they really believe in something, but at the same time it’s sad that we had to have such an unfortunate president for eight years in order for this unity to be accomplished. This election is extremely historical and inspiring, and I’m glad that I was alive for it, and I have faith that Obama will live up to the president that we have hoped for and need.
The Dream Came True!!! --Thoughts by KK

For the First Time... --Thoughts by RF
Thoughts by HN
And there we go the brand new president of the U.S.A.

Combined with MR. Putin, we need another president!!

Anyway our new president is very active and... enjoy the video
check it out
We now have the first African-American president, the biggest change in years.
I don’t know what to say, but I bet Obama won’t do this if he loses the debate:
Let’s see how the U.S.A. looks like in the next 4 years. WAIT.
Progress-- Thoughts by SM

Now our president serves as both a world renowned leader and symbol of equality. While the vast majority of US citizens embrace each other’s differences like we learned in kindergarten others unfortunately fail to conform. We may all hope now that history will fail to repeat itself and hatred will be suppressed so Obama may enjoy a healthy and prosperous presidency. A recap of the presidential debate as expressed through the performing arts.
A Quick Poetic Interruption
I have eight more blog posts to sort through and upload, then I am heading home.
In case you were wondering, the JV Chargers won again today, this time at Dexter in Brookline. Our win pushes us to an 8-5-1 record. I had forgotten about another win when I said yesterday that we were 6-5-1. Tomorrow is our last game, against Gann.
Now back to the students' blog posts! -EJL
Obama is the President! --Thoughts by IP

I really liked Obama I agreed on all his policies, his policies seemed very fair to me, everything except the abortion policy, in this case I agree with McCain, but other than that Obama is the one that will make a big turn-around in economy, war and in the history of politics.
I couldn’t believe that yesterday was finally the day we all waited for; I remember last year talking about it seemed so far away from now. And now it has already passed. November fourth on the night of the results of the election, I was lying on my bed, reading a book while being half asleep, I knew that Obama was going to be elected, but still I had a feeling America is not ready for an African American president and also still thought that there might be a chance that McCain will be elected. While lying on my bed and reading my book half asleep, I heard a really loud scream. I don’t’ know why but I got scared, not about the election, just because this really loud and long scream ruined my peace. I totally forgot about the election that time. A sudden knock on the door, I turned around in my bed to face the door, Mimi comes in and yells; “Obama won!!!!!” I don’t know why but I stayed in this turned-around uncomfortable position for a while and thinking about it. It was good news for me. I actually do have faith in him! I believe that the country will become much better.
Thoughts by GDH
Obama was the destined winner. Now all the issues that I care about will go into the direction that they should be. His acceptance speech was superb.
McCain was not a sore loser though. He honorably admitted defeat and encouraged everyone to support Obama because he is now our president.
Now that Obama is president, it marks the destruction of another barrier in the road to complete equality in the world.
The results were amazing:
U.S. President - Electoral College
Obama (D) - 349
McCain (R) - 147
270 votes needed for presidency
Popular vote - 48 states reporting
McCain (R)
Obama (D)
Barr (I)
Nader (I)
Barack Obama won!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOT WOOT--Thoughts by SM
Ps. I love my muff

Yo. Obama WON!!!! <3--Thoughts by PS

I struggle to choose who is better between McCain and Obama because in some percentage, I agree with both of them on their policies. In making abortion illegal is one of the subjects I would have to agree with John McCain. He is pro-life, as am I, yet he makes an exception to those who’ve been sexually forced and I agree with him. Obama makes abortion an option to anyone who could very well abuse the rights without considering another life that could be lost. Despite

D-Block is on its way
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
All Americans, conservative, liberal, powerful, oppressed, black, white, elite, young, homeless, Christian, Jewish, atheist, rootless, established, angry, elated, ignorant, all Americans should rejoice in this moment. By no means has this election removed our collective pain or embarrassment, but what a great and historic step forward for our American people to elect a man like Barack H Obama II. So many men and women gave their lives and their livelihoods to make this victory possible. Tonight is the one of the greatest moments in twenty-first-century American history since Bush's Bullhorn Speech.
You have got to read this article.
Sen. Dole in NC has been defeated. My friends in North Carolina are rejoicing!
The Senate has also lost what is arguably its best last name: New Hampshire's Sununu. Yes, I considered Specter and Brownback. Sununu beats them all- well, except for Shaheen.
Well, it is clear also that the folks on the tube are holding off so that they won't affect the West Coasters. Do some quick math and you'll see how Obama's road to the White House is all but secured.
More astute political commentary from your teacher:
Bill Bennett is a good man.
Davidson College will make the Final Four this year.
I won't be sleeping much tonight. -EJL is already calling it
CNN is holding off for now (199-78) and the Old, Tentative Grey Lady, in all of her wisdom, is lagging behind with a 118-17 count.
Sorry, but NBC's cutesy Rockefeller Plaza set-up just isn't doing it for me.
Check out some awesome photographs of Real America in Chicago's Grant Park tonight.
Some Politics Is Local
Florida's Amendment Two looks like it passed.
A few good Representatives up for reelection, Ander Crenshaw (R-FL) and Barney Frank (D-MA), seem to have survived.
Massachusetts appears to have decriminalized marijuana.
No word yet on Prop K in San Francisco.
Calling It Early?
Back at It and Now With Thai Food and Crappy Television
The Old Grey Lady is, of course, more cautious with its projected 22-8 Obama lead.
You have got to love the spectacle that Election Night has become. Best suit so far: Pinstripe Guy on FOXNEWS. -EJL
A Special 38
When I return later tonight, we'll hopefully have a better idea of who's gunna win this thing. As of 7:11, the Times writes that McCain has surged ahead in Larry Bird Land, earning him an early 19-4 advantage with less than 15% reporting in any state.
Thanks for checking out the blog! I hope you've enjoyed this peek into how my history students are perceiving the presidential election. Back in a few hours, EJL
Thoughts by ID

Because who the presidential candidates are, I have become anxious and almost energetic with anxiety about the results. If the results turn out the way I want them to turn out, then I’ll probably cry with happiness. If not, then, I’ll probably move to Canada. I have probably been anxious to the point that there are thoughts racing through my head and I become extremely worried, mostly about things that will just impact me, but I’ve never been more anxious than I am today. If th

Honestly, I think the candidate who should be president is Barack Obama . His choices on how he’s going to spend time i
This is probably Sarah Palin’s worst interview yet.
Joe the Plumber is my Homeboy--Thoughts by LO
This is an Amazing video

My prediction is that Obama is going to win the election.

Thoughts by VQ
Thoughts by MC
According to my research, McCain tends to force his ideas on others. As he is old generation and admiral’s son, he has certain degree of tyrannical attitude. According to the ‘Election Duel’, it even describes McCain as warrior. Warrior contains the idea of fighter but also has a feeling of stubbornness. It also mentions that Obama is a person who brings the change which is desperate in America. My concern is that if McCain becomes president, there would be possibility that McCain would continue a project that U.S. citizens might deny; however, Obama as it’s proven with the change he already brought will not do but cooperate with others and bring real ‘Change’.
Election Day, 2008--Thoughts by DS

Change: “Yes We Can” --Thoughts by RF
After watching this music video “Yes We Can” I was truly touched. Different famous icons such as,, Common, and Scarlett Johansson, were in this music video, based on one of Obama’s speeches, the subject being change. Most republicans would say that democrats are all about, talking about what they want but never making those words into actions. This is where I think they are wrong. There might be proof that that has occurred in the past but aren’t we, as a country, trying to make today better for the future? Barack Obama claims he is going to help our country change. We will not ever know whether or not those actions will ever happen, unless we vote for Obama and give him a chance to form us into the country we know we are able to become. Today, November 4, 2008 is truly history in the making. It has not really hit me until now. If McCain is elected instead of Obama, I believe, our country will be totally different. Obama has flaws like every other human being, but I think he is good for our country. He is good for the change our country is about to encounter. Like all change, it will be difficult, but we have to start somewhere don’t we? Why not start by voting for Barack Obama for president?
After listening to Obama speak, you really feel up lifted. You gain this sense of hope and believe our country is capable of change. I hope Obama wins, not because I dislike McCain but because I believe Obama will make a difference in the United States.
Thoughts by MS
As for the vice-president for both of the candidates, I believe that Senator Palin is not fit to become the vice-president if McCain wins because I don’t like the idea that she is against gay rights. True that both Senators are against gay rights but on Obama’s side, they are looser about it.
Here’s a video of why you should not vote for McCain and Palin
The reasons why we should vote for BARRACK OBAMA
Thoughts by MD
Some Results Trickling In
Thoughts by SM

I think that Obama is the right president for the United States right now. His ideas on how to make a better future are what we need to be focusing on. For example, the economy is spiraling quickly. McCain wants give tax breaks to the upper class citizens and elevate the lower and middle class taxes. He also wants to stay in Iraq. This would be devastating to our economy because we are loosing millions of dollars every week to the war. Clearly, Obama should be elected president tonight.
OBAMA!!! Thoughts by CM

BARACK OBAMA ’08!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thoughts by KZ

If Obama become a president tonight, the world will change. He is a successful black person. He gives black people more right, and change the bad situation in United States now days. People think Obama can change things in USA; he will be the best president in USA ever.
Here is the YouTube that showed people:
I like what they say in the video. It was so cool!
This is YOUR America, MY America, And OUR America!
Two Blocks Down, One to Go
Here's an excerpt from the NYT live blog about the "issues" during this campaign:
By the Numbers 5:47 p.m. Preliminary surveys of voters leaving the polls show
that voters say the economy by far is the most important issue facing the
Our colleague Dalia Sussman, who is combing the exit polls for us,
says that more than 8 in 10 are worried about the direction of the nation’s
economy, 8 in 10 are worried that the current crisis will harm their family’s
finances over the next year; two-thirds are worried about being able to afford
the health-care services they need.
Overall, more than 9 in 10 rate the
economy negatively and 3 in 4 voters say the country is seriously off on the
wrong track.
I'm not sure how to read this news. My hunch is that the priority voters have set on the economy will help Obama because of his near-brainwashing message of sweeping change. Then again, his tax philosophy might not mesh with some voters' views on how to resolve the financial crisis.
It's a good thing that my job isn't to blog about politics. I'll just stick with teaching history. As one of my students wisely observed today, blogs give idiotic people an opportunity to feel important. Sorta like voting.
Dennis Kucinich 2008--Thoughts by GB
As a woman myself, thinking about not having my right to choose what I do with my body infuriates me. Thinking about an old fat man who doesn’t know making a decision for me is horrible. I believe that no woman makes this decision easily. Thinking about it who wants to do it? It’s painful and mentally difficult, you have to live with that decision for the rest of your life. I think that in this clip Obama says it perfectly. . On the topic of Gay marriage neither Obama nor McCain support Gay marriage, however Obama does support civil unions.

Although Gay Rights or Women Rights are the biggest issues in America at this time, they are issues with the younger voters. When I am asked about my political view I tell them anyone who supports Gay Marriage and is Pro-Choice. This is something that will end up becoming a bigger issue and the only candidate that is close to what I would like to here is Obama. So, Obama is my vote. I hope that he can do great things in office and hopefully he will get the vote and win!
Don’t Vote Election 2008, who cares about making history? --Thoughts by JS

Thoughts by JX

Who are you gonna choose? Obama and Biden? Or McCain with Palin and this body size—35-23-35~~=^_^=
My View on the 2008 Election--Thoughts by JM
Thoughts by RR

THE FUTURE--Thoughts by JS
Just like FDR’s New Deal, like the battle’s of D-Day and Midway, Martin Luther King’s “I have a dream speech” and the symbolic fall of the Berlin Wall, today is a vital day. Not even the 2000 election between Al Gore and George.W Bush was as important as this election. On one side is Barack Obama, the first African-american presidential candidate who actually has a chance of winning (look here for Al Sharpton’s presidential race). Not only that, but he is charistmatic, has plans to help the lower-classes of this country who have fallen on bad times and help in taxes, welfare programs and maybe even build a good universal healthcare system. In all ways he is a new JFK: a dashing, charismatic leader who has big plans to make America greater. Then in the republicans' corner we have John McCain, a seasoned war and political veteran, who knows how to get things done and will stand up to the ideological nuts of the Right to get the right thing done. He is the only man who can heal the wounds to the elephant created by W. Bush. In the end it’s a tough call as far as my opinion goes.
On one hand, Barack is my idea of a true president: a charismatic socialist who is not afraid to continue to fight, even when other nations and even our own people say we shouldn’t, while at the same time is willing to actually talk with many tyrants who gain support by claiming America hates them and won’t talk with them. A true philosopher king for America, intelligent, brave and understanding.
On the other hand, McCain has much experience. He knows how to get things done in the Aenate, he is willing to stand by his beliefs, some of which go against his own party's ideas. He also has war experience and understands the importance and cost of war. He is a true American Gunslinger who can keep terrorism, the democrats and republicans all in check.
So in the end, its hard to choose. Obama wants to help people with socialism, McCain wants to help people help themselves. Obama wants to make universal healthcare, McCain wants healthcare to be affordable. Obama wants to get out of Iraq and begin talks with N.Korea and Iran, McCain wants to stay in Iraq and keep up an offensive against Iran’s fanatical government. Obama wants to tax the rich, McCain wants to cut-taxes for everyone. After that, the two candidates are basically alike on Afghanistan, gay and women rights, environment, etc.
In the end, either way, I think the country will do well, because you can’t go wrong either way, it’s mainly just how the nation is revived that is being decided. How to help heal a broken economy and counter-terrorism gone wrong. I just hope that the president will continue to fight the war on terror, find a better way of protecting capitalism around the world, defending constitutional rights, finding a way to allow Jews and Palestinians to coexist and making everyone with a home, has healthcare and a good, steady job.
So in the end, peace to all and may the next king of Camelot be wise, strong and honorable.
Thoughts by LK
Thoughts by BG

Done with the First Block

Thoughts by ZW

Barack Obama is definitely going to be the next president because it's only obvious that people want a new type of leader to tell them what to do instead of the same republican type of president who loves war. Because people don’t want another day in Iraq with more Americans dying and they don’t want to see the economy in such bad shape anymore and, besides, McCain is really old so he's going to die sooner or later, and then Palin would be in charge and that wouldn’t be good for anybody.
Obama <-- Black Power--Thoughts by SGK