I have never been into politics before until this year. I am old enough to actually get the idea of what is going on in our country and how it affects us. I think that this year’s election is really special. It is the first time that a woman and black man have actually been close to becoming president. I feel like having Sarah Palin as vice president, however, has been distracting the U.S. of what has really been going on around us. People are making her look bad and making her whole part as vice president a joke, as you can see in the Sarah Palin Rap on SNL. Then there are more serious jokes on Obama for example: Obama in Live Your Life by T.I..

I think that Obama is the right president for the United States right now. His ideas on how to make a better future are what we need to be focusing on. For example, the economy is spiraling quickly. McCain wants give tax breaks to the upper class citizens and elevate the lower and middle class taxes. He also wants to stay in Iraq. This would be devastating to our economy because we are loosing millions of dollars every week to the war. Clearly, Obama should be elected president tonight.
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