As I was in school staying for study hall, my parents and sister went to go vote. After, I decided to go to CVS and Wendy’s because I was really bored. Throughout the ride, I had been wondering and hoping that Barack Obama would win. Even though I didn’t go vote, I was hoping tha
t Obama would win, though I wasn’t totally convinced in his speech. That is the reason why I did not go because I wasn’t totally convinced with either McCain or Obama and I wasn’t going to choose someone who was not running. I was mostly hoping that Obama would become president because I believe he’s more liberal and open to new things opposite to McCain’s policies.
I struggle to choose who is better between McCain and Obama because in some percentage, I agree with both of them on their policies. In making abortion illegal is one of the subjects I would have to agree with John McCain. He is pro-life, as am I, yet he makes an exception to those who’ve been sexually forced and I agree with him. Obama makes abortion an option to anyone who could very well abuse the rights without considering another life that could be lost. Despite
Obama’s lack of experience, I believe he sees more struggles and he would do anything in his power to overcome that because he now has Joe Biden for support. McCain has the intelligence to prevent war because he’s already been in one. See! It’s hard to choose! NOW that the people have spoken. I am happy to hear that the president who is willing to defend America is Barack Obama! BOO YA!!!! PCE! <3

I struggle to choose who is better between McCain and Obama because in some percentage, I agree with both of them on their policies. In making abortion illegal is one of the subjects I would have to agree with John McCain. He is pro-life, as am I, yet he makes an exception to those who’ve been sexually forced and I agree with him. Obama makes abortion an option to anyone who could very well abuse the rights without considering another life that could be lost. Despite

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